Mary and Henry
Mary Campisi is the author of over 50 emotion-packed novels that center around hope, redemption, and second chances.
Mary should have known she’d become a writer when at age thirteen she began changing the ending to all the books she read. It took several years and a number of jobs, including registered nurse, receptionist in a swanky hair salon, accounts payable clerk, and practice manager in an OB/GYN office, for her to rediscover writing. Enter a mouse-less computer, a floppy disk, and a dream large enough to fill a zip drive. The rest of the story lives on in every book she writes.
When she’s not working on her craft or following the lives of five adult children, Mary’s digging in the dirt with her flowers and herbs, cooking, reading, walking her rescue lab, Henry, or, on the perfect day, riding off into the sunset with her very own hero/husband on his Ultra Limited aka Harley.
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Why I Write
People always ask, why do I write? That’s simple.
As a child, I can still remember crowding around our black and white television with my brothers and sister, anxiously awaiting the annual Wizard of Oz movie. I was petrified of the flying monkeys and the wicked witch’s scary face, and that voice, but I was perplexed by the narrator at the beginning when he told viewers the first half of the movie would look different than the second. Ours never did—not until our black and white television died and our parents bought a colored one. (After much deliberation, I must add!) Then, I understood.
And that’s what writing has done for me; put the color in my life. It’s the gift I give myself, and it is the gift I wish to share with you… in full blown color.