Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

Charles’s Final Letter to Christine

  1. Charles’s Final Letter to Christine 2:13

Dear Christine:

Life is short. A breath of air and then it’s gone. When we lost Aunt Ellie to cancer, my whole world shifted. I had believed time was limitless and the people I loved wouldn’t die until they’d lived full lives. I thought the same for myself. But when Aunt Ellie died, it was a wakeup call. We didn’t have unlimited time, certainly not forever. All we really had was now.

Please don’t squander your time and your life on a man like Connor Pendleton. He doesn’t deserve you, doesn’t appreciate you, and doesn’t respect you. Find your own happiness. Take a day off, step away from the computer, look around. 

Have you wandered into the kitchen lately when you’re visiting and smelled Greta’s cooking? Or watched her roll out a pie crust? It’s as impressive a feat as choosing a good stock. I don’t want to see you “stuck” in a life you don’t want with a man

you don’t love. Duty is a cruel taskmaster. Do not be governed by it. Our company was built on performance, commitment, and expectation. But to what? Money? Power? Advancement? Your Uncle Harry could not live that life and your grandfather could not accept that.

Do not let others define you. We are all human with weaknesses and frailty, me more than most. My shortcomings are not yours. My failings do not belong to you and are not because of you. There is a whole world outside of Blacksworth and Company Investments. Explore it. Drive to the country. Eat a bowl of beef stew. Look around. Listen. Live your life, not mine, not your mother’s, not anyone else’s.

I love you, Christine. I have loved you from the moment I saw you and will love you until I draw my last breath. 

I will see you soon!



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