Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

Gloria's Notebook: Entry 7

I have recently learned that one of the town’s most respected business owners was once days away from proposing to his wife’s sister! Imagine that! For shame, Rex MacGregor, for shame. I’ve penned a letter to him that will be set and ready to go when the time comes. I want to get it written down now, while the injustice lingers in my soul. I have been judged by many, but who will judge them? I say let the truth be known…

Hello, Mr. MacGregor:

My name is Gloria Blacksworth, mother of Christine Blacksworth Desantro, of Chicago. I’m quite certain you will know who I am, though we never actually met, and sadly, it is far too late for any formal introductions. I’m writing you “from the grave” shall we call it, because I have an intense desire to see justice done. Oh, I’m not a judge, certainly not. Far be it from me to condemn others for their sins. However, if the residents of Magdalena have cast their hate and dislike upon me, basing their assessments on my “alleged” deeds, or misdeeds, as it were, is it not also fair that I should reveal the misdeeds of others, so they may be cast in the same moral light as myself?

 I believe so, which is why I am contacting you.

I was highly distressed to learn that you, one of Magdalena’s most respected and influential business owners, was once days away from proposing to your wife’s sister. For shame, Mr. MacGregor. That was not well done. My sources tell me you were keeping company with your wife’s sister, Nadine, and had even picked out a ring. Goodness, that does not sound like a casual acquaintance, now does it? But what on earth happened to squelch the proposal? What on earth indeed?

Oh but it was all hush-hush wasn’t it? Nadine’s sister, Kathleen, returns from secretarial school, sees a future in a man like you, throws you a smile and who know what else, (let’s be honest, shall we?), and four months later, she becomes Mrs. Rex MacGregor. Seven months after the wedding, along comes your cherished daughter, Bree. Interesting timeline, don’t you think? As for Nadine, your “sister-in-law” she condemns you and Kathleen to eternal damnation and vows to never speak to either of you again. I hear she’s left the state.

I have a few questions for you, Mr. MacGregor. Do you think it ever bothers your wife that she wasn’t your first choice? That maybe, you really did love Nadine, and Kathleen stole your chance for true happiness? And your daughter, does she know the real story behind her parents supposed “true love” match, or that she was conceived before marriage? So many questions, so many possibilities. So many secrets!

Don’t worry about the answer to any of these questions, because soon enough, you’ll know, not only that, the whole town will know too. Finally. 

Good luck and Godspeed.

Gloria Blacksworth

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