Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

Gloria's Notebook: Entry 8

Isn’t it interesting how a family name carries such significance, good or bad?

A Blacksworth, for example, carries a symbol of wealth and respect—with the exception of that horrible brother-in-law of mine. Smaller towns’ hierarchy of family names are no different. My source says the Finnegan name, especially, Jack, stands for integrity and doing the right thing. 

I find it disheartening to learn a thief can be considered honorable or in possession of integrity. Yes, Jack Finnegan is a thief. While his crime occurred over 20 years ago, a crime is a crime, irrespective of time. A wrongdoing is still wrong and should be brought into the light for all to see—no different than my “wrongdoing”. Perhaps even worse. Jack Finnegan was a trusted employee who betrayed that trust by “stealing” $3000 from the company he worked for—ND Manufacturing. Does Nate know that his right-hand man stole from him? I seriously doubt it.

And last for now, but certainly not least, is a secret I’ve learned about Miriam Desantro. Oh but I would need ten notebooks to write about that whore’s woman’s deception, but I think I’ll let the residents of Magdalena deal with her instead. Who would have ever, in 10 million years, believed that whore descended from the Prescotts of New York City?

The Prescott family for God’s sake! They make the Blacksworths look 3rd rate—maybe lower. And yet, Nate Desantro has no idea his mother came from such wealth. How is that, I wonder? Despite my hatred of the Desantros, I am truly impressed by the Prescott connection. 

What would the humble residents of Magdalena say if they knew Charles’s mistress had grown up in a house that spent enough money on fresh floral arrangements to pay for a college tuition or two?

How is Miriam Desantro any different than me? She kept a secret that if discovered would change every aspect of her life. She chose to keep it hidden, as did I. But once my secret was revealed, my world shifted and collapsed on top of me—I lost my daughter. I can only hope that evil bitch Miriam feels that same pain when her son learns of her deceit.

I shall close this journal for now as my new investigator gathers more dirt information. My days may be dwindling, but I will not go out quietly, of that you may be sure! So, enjoy your peaceful quiet, residents of Magdalena, because a tornado is on its way!

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