Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

A Special Anniversary

A Special Anniversary 1Several months ago, my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. That is so hard for us to believe! Earlier in the year, Jim asked if I had any thoughts on how we should celebrate. I’m not one who requires big gifts, but this was a pretty significant milestone and when he mentioned travel, it seemed like we should consider it. I suggested a trip to Alaska, but the look on his face said too cold and please, no. Then I tossed around another trip to Maine as we’d done years ago. I really didn’t care where we went, so we decided to “think” about it, but what we really wanted was for someone to just plan it all for us and tell us when to show up. We are definitely not travel planners.

And then COVID happened and thoughts of travel evaporated. Who cared about that when we just wanted everyone to be safe? We adjusted our celebratory ideas to a special dinner at a restaurant. However, that idea tanked as well, and we ended up choosing to cook a special dinner at home and buy some really scrumptious desserts. We dressed up, set the table with fancy dinnerware, and had an excellent meal that included a wedge salad, scallops, rice, and fresh green beans. We toasted and I even had a sip of my husband’s bourbon. The best part of the night was spending time together, sharing memories, talking about how grateful we are that we found each other. And those desserts? Well, the chocolate truffle bomb was delicious, and I guess my husband should have claimed ALL of his half instead of going after the salted caramel cupcake!

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