Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

Trenches, Teenagers, and Older Parents

Trenches, Teenagers, and Older Parents 3I wrote NOT YOUR EVERYDAY HOUSEWIFE from the trenches. If you’ve been there, you’ll know what I’m talking about….does the word teenager make you shudder? My husband and I blended our families, his two, my three. At one point, we had four teenagers in the house. Four of them were girls. Can you say estrogen? There were a few years with three in college at the same time. My husband could give lessons on filling out FAFSA forms. With the blended family, came the exes. Some play nice, some are like my ex-husband. Ahem. Enough said.

Mix in the visit from my mother where she tripped over her suitcase and fell into the door—the night before she was heading to California to stay with my brothers. I drove her to the ER at 3:00 a.m. where the doctor loaded her up with pain meds and said she’d broken her humerus. She spent the next month sleeping on the recliner in our living room with me on the couch. Two months later, after several trips to the physical therapist, my oldest brother flew in to escort her to California. Suitcases are now prohibited in her room.

The night my mother fell into the door was also the night my middle daughter suffered a high fever and night sweats which resulted in a doctor visit the next morning, a pneumonia diagnosis and admission to the hospital. I spent the next four days between my mother in her recliner and my sixteen year old in a hospital bed. Despite my lack of sleep and horrible stress, I did not once suffer the migraines which plague me when I sleep too little and stress too much. God was indeed watching over me.

Somewhere along the way, I wondered if I could disappear for a little while. Maybe come back in a day? Two? Even after dinner? I’d even fix dinner first. That’s when I got the idea for NOT YOUR EVERYDAY HOUSEWIFE. Life happens. I didn’t run away, instead I ran into the book and wrote it for every woman who will read it and think of her own stories.

By the way, the kids are grown, four out of college, self-supporting, and truly a pleasure. The last one is slowly making her way through college. She’s still a work in progress…maybe to get me all geared up in case I need to write a sequel! As for my mom, she’s visiting soon which means a few weeks of great cooking, baking, and reminiscing! And all I have to do is keep her upright…

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Diana Varona
7 years ago

Great book I loved the way Holt and Sophie worked out their differences and still took care of family.

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
7 years ago
Reply to  Diana Varona

Hi Diana:

Thank you very much!!



Jane Nolen
Jane Nolen
7 years ago

Usually a reader of political intrigue, serial killers, etc. I took a breather and read your truth in lies series and a couple second chance. Liked the Gift.

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
7 years ago
Reply to  Jane Nolen

Hi Jane:

I remember your name…we’ve corresponded before:) I love that a reader of adrenaline-fueled, intricately layered books would choose to spend time taking a breather with my work. That’s a huge compliment.

Thank you!

Have a great weekend.


7 years ago

Hi Mary, just wanted to tell you that your books got a mention on Wikipedia:

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
7 years ago
Reply to  Mok

Wow!! How cool is that?!!!

Thank you for letting me know!



7 years ago

Can’t wait to read it. As a mother of five ( two that did not make it to their first breath but that still live in my heart.)I get it. I spent many a day on the bleachers studying between plays, innings, matches, and intermissions. Many a day in the hospital for concussions (all three and my husband), broken bones (once my son had broken both of his arms ), and illnesses. Now my mother had dementia. Trust me I get it. A moms work is never done. Keep writing life will provide the stories.

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
7 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Dear Maria:

Bless you. I am so sorry to hear about the children who did not take their first breath. And yes, they live in your heart. As I read your post, I’m picturing the various activities, on and off the field/court/classroom, the emergency room visits, the care involved. The worry. Yes, the worry. You’re a strong woman and it must be heartbreaking to see your mom like this. Again, I’m so sorry to hear this.

Life does indeed provide stories.

Thank you for sharing and wishing you moments of peace and joy with your family.


Gene Schneider
Gene Schneider
7 years ago

Your openness with me,is so touching that I feel for you as my own daughter or should I say Granddaughter. That you would take your heart out to people like me, makes me feel as though you do belong to me after all.
If you don’t mind, forgive me for making our relationship is somewhat stressed..
Your writing is so beautiful, that I feel that it’s what I need to realize how frail we truly are.
Regards to Mr. Harley. May you remain as loving as I know you are.

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
7 years ago
Reply to  Gene Schneider

Hi Gene:

Thank you for the kind thoughts.

Mr. Harley is on the bike today…heading for a relaxing ride, but I think he’ll see a bit of rain today…


Kat Fitzgerald
Kat Fitzgerald
7 years ago

After many years of infertility I had Nicholas @37 he was an angel of a little boy then puberty came and I swear aliens abducted my son and replaced him with someone else! Teenage years…as an older single mom, uhg So many times running away sounded good…but heck where would I go…lol. I love being a Mom too much<3

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
7 years ago
Reply to  Kat Fitzgerald

Hi Kat: Yes! I absolutely understand. Those years were so hard…and I am so thankful they’re over. I remember telling people that the teen years are rough, but they do start to turn human again around 19. The kids are all older now and the drama is gone – at least most of the time:) – it’s lovely to spend time with them and share in their lives, even if some are long distance. Now, I’ve got to keep an eye on Mom and what she’s up to… Many thanks for sharing and best wishes to you and Nicholas. (Love… Read more »

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