Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

An artist, a rescue dog, and a second chance

An Artist, a rescue dog, and a second chance…

Good Morning!

Yesterday, I posted my sister’s second chance story about how she rescued her latest dog, Dallas. She recently shared the ‘prisma’ portrait that artist, Victoria Watson made for her. I’m sending along a link if you’d like to view Vicki’s other work. It’s pretty incredible. (My boy Cooper is in there too!)

What’s most impressive to me is that Vicki has MS. She told me the diagnosis got her out of the everyday work force and gave her a second chance at reviving her art career…

Side note: When I mentioned I might like to get a prisma portrait of Cooper done, daughter #1 replied, “Don’t you think you should get one of all the kids first?????” Hmmmm…. she may have a point:)

Anyone else have special photos, drawings done of their animals? Signing off to take Cooper for his daily walk before we both sink into the sidewalk from the muggy scorcher outside!


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Teresa Rothove
Teresa Rothove
11 years ago

My husband and I ave 3 rescues and I believe each are have a special story attached to them. Penny aka “Princess Penny” was found by a neighbor who had 3 large cats and needed to find the dog a home. the cats were body slamming her. He contact my husband and of course he said “Sure we can take her. In the meantime we have 5 parrots and I’m just getting out of the hospital. I say No. The dog is of the hunting breed and we have 5 of what she hunts. (As it turned out we had… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Rothove

Hi Teresa:

You are certainly an animal lover. I enjoyed reading your rescue tales. Thank you for sharing.


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