I should preface this post by saying this was in October of 2019 – before the pandemic that has gripped the world.
Greetings from Ohio! I mentioned last week about my birthday last year and I had a great celebration. However, at the time I had no idea that a few weeks later, the kids and my husband would hold a surprise party for me. I’m usually “in the know”, but I completely missed this one. When I returned home from a birthday manicure, (a gift from my youngest), I stepped into a house filled with people who shouted, “Surprise!” Or was it Happy Birthday? I don’t remember what they said to tell you the truth, because I was confused and shocked. Have you ever looked at people in a certain setting and wondered why they were there? I spotted the two out-of-town daughters… they were definitely not supposed to be here. And there were friends, neighbors, all of the kids and grandkids, and my dear sweet husband. Henry absolutely loved the chatter and commotion. Having everyone come together just for me was a true joy and a gift I will always remember. It really was the perfect birthday gift.
Hi Mary,
Happy Birthday!!! 🙂 I don’t think that you are over weight; but if you want to lose some weight; I would recommend WW; formerly Weight Watchers. I have been on it since last September 16th, and I have lost 46 lbs. I feel a lot better. I know that sitting all the time is not good; I hear it is the new smoking. Good luck with whatever you do, and I will keep reading.
Take care,