Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

Snippets from A Family Affair: Summer and pre-order on iBooks

Hi Everyone:

Happy Monday! Before I forget, A Family Affair: Summer, Book Three in the Truth in Lies Series, is available for pre-order on iBooks. Here’s the link.

Sorry it’s not available for pre-order on Amazon, B&N, or Kobo, but you’ll still be able to buy it April 1st!

Now for the good stuff – here are a few ‘Snippets from A Family Affair: Summer.’

From Lily’s perspective…she’s in Chicago and about to enter Christine’s old house…

Lily ignored her brother and smiled at Christine. “Is there an elevator inside? And a swimming pool?”

“What? No, of course not.”

“Oh. Pop said his son’s house in California is one of those fancy-dancy places with an elevator and a swimming pool.”

“Sorry, no elevator and no pool.”

“That’s okay.” Lily opened the car door and scooted out. “Uncle Harry said this house has lots of secrets in it. I’m going to see if I can find where they’re hiding.”

And, here’s where the town comments on Nate Desantro BEFORE Christine walked into his life.

From Pop Benito..talking to Tess Carrick’s uncle and The Bleeding Hearts Society…

Okay, then we’ll chalk Tess’s return to destiny and go from there.”

“And where exactly would you be heading?”

“Will, you know the boy better than most of us. He’s had his hide beaten, been shot at and shot up. I hear he’s got a bum shoulder and a disposition that makes the old Nate Desantro look like a charmer. Remember Nate a few years back, miserable and wanting the rest of the world to share in his misery? Lily was the only good thing in his life; the only person he cared about other than his mother.” His voice softened and he said, “And then Christine drove into Magdalena, unannounced and unwelcome, kind of like Tess. Look what happened to them? They’re so in love they could do ads for one of those matchmaker places.”

Mimi coughed. “Not exactly, Pop, but we get the idea.”

Can’t wait!! Any questions??


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10 years ago

Would like to get this book

Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
10 years ago
Reply to  annette

Hi Annette:

It’s live tomorrow!! You can still pre-order today if you want it on i-books…or it will be available tomorrow on Amazon, B&N, and Kobo.



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