Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

That Second Chance Series

Late one night I was having a Facebook conversation with fellow author, Ruth Cardello -a brilliant and wise woman whose brain never rests! We were discussing themes and author branding. She asked what I wrote about….that was easy. I write about second chances- in life and in love. THEN she asked what I was doing to ‘brand’ that…Ummm…huh? Ruth is a straight shooter and I admire that – she gave me some great advice and basically told me to think about what MY vision was and then go with it…..and that’s what I’m doing..finally! It’s all about that second chance… Sometimes we’re lucky enough to get that second chance-in life and in love. That Second Chance Series are stories of strong women who battle heartache and loss with courage and determination to find new paths and true love. These books are standalones and are NOT related. Therefore, the characters from one story will not appear in another. What ties them together? A common theme-belief in the beauty of that second chance.

Book One: Pulling Home, Book Two: The Way They Were,  Book Three: Simple Riches,  Book Four: Paradise Found

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11 years ago

Ruth is indeed one wonderful woman! Love her!! Thank you for writing insightful, thought provoking books. I truly enjoyed reading Paradise Found the other day, and will no doubt be equally enamoured with Pulling Home I suspect.
Thank you !!

11 years ago
Reply to  Marion

Hi Marion: Thank you for the kind words. Paradise Found was the very first contemporary romance I wrote so it will always be special to me. Pulling Home has many twists and turns that might surprise you and some very interesting secondary characters. I do hope you enjoy that one as well. Again, thanks for taking the time to drop me a line. I haven’t made a grand announcement yet, but I plan to write Book 2 of A Family Affair with a projected release date of late 2013. Have a great week.


April McDaniel
April McDaniel
11 years ago

I have read the first 4 books of That Second Chance Series & LOVED them! I am now a reader of your books as long as you continue to write. You have such a gift & the stories took my breath away. My favorite so far is Paradise Found. The characters have so many layers. Thank you so much! I will always remember that story. It touched me so deeply!!

11 years ago
Reply to  April McDaniel

Hi April! I apologize for the delay in my response. I don’t know if the comment notification got stuck in my spam folder or if I just missed it. I am so sorry. Thank you for taking the time to write to me. Oh, yes….Paradise Found…one of my very favorites. One of these days, I really think I should write Adam’s story…poor man. I did love that story and thought about it for a long time after I finished it. Take care and I’m glad you’re enjoying That Second Chance Series…hoping to add another one in the next few months.… Read more »

11 years ago

I have just finished reading all of that second series, thank you for these books! I couldn’t put them down. Paradise found had me so emotional! After reading these and a family affair I look forward to family affair 2.


11 years ago
Reply to  PAM

Hi Pam! Thank you very much for your kind words. I’m so glad you enjoyed That Second Chance Series. I’m busy at work on A Family Affair: Spring and also wanted to share some good news. I just received rights back to The Butterfly Garden so you will see that one next year – get your tissues ready. It’s an emotional roller coaster!

Again, thank you!


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