Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi
Mary Campisi

Will there be more "A Family Affair" Books?

Will there be more "A Family Affair" Books? 3That’s the question readers ask most, even more than “Will we ever find out who Christine’s real father is?” (I still don’t know the answer to that one… I mean, I really don’t “know” who Christine’s father is!) There’s a reason for this. Had I decided early on which man would be her father, I might have written in such a way—unconsciously or not—to steer the reader in that direction. But since I have no idea, we can all keep guessing.

I might not be able to answer the paternity question, but I can answer the one about the future of this series. Yes, there will be more! I’ve still got people’s stories to tell and loose ends to tie up. Loose ends drive me crazy. When my husband and I watch a movie that leaves too many unanswered questions, we create our own “endings” so we can have closure. The same goes with a series that ends on a cliffhanger and then gets cancelled. No!!!

So, the Truth in Lies series, aka the A Family Affair books, will continue to move along, introducing new characters, answering questions about old ones, dragging others we’re wondering about into the light…

AND, I’m writing a series of short stories that tie into the A Family Affair books and give readers an up-close look at what happens after the story ends! Or, as is the case in the first set, what happens before the story begins!

Find out more:  A Family Affair Shorts: Destiny

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